I’m interested in exploring flow cytometry data from a single-cell perspective. After all it is a very high throughput method that can measure a modest amount of variables in each single cell.

I decided to use the FlowCytometryTools Python library just to see what I could extract from those magic fcs files and how feature complete the library is.

I made the following Jupyter notebook:

Demo of exploring flow cytometry data with the FlowCytometryTools library

# Import library
from FlowCytometryTools import FCMeasurement
# load fcs file (version 3)
sample = FCMeasurement(ID='Example sample', datafile="data/example.fcs")
# Let's see the number of cells measured
# All metadata
sample.meta.items()[:10] # see only first 10 entries
[(u'P13MS', u'350'),
 (u'$ETIM', u'13:21:42'),
 (u'P8DISPLAY', u'LOG'),
 (u'FSC ASF', u'0.74'),
 (u'CYTNUM', u'1'),
 (u'$ENDDATA', u'9998405            '),
 (u'P2DISPLAY', u'LIN'),
 (u'$ENDSTEXT', u'0'),
 (u'LASER2NAME', u'Red')]
 u'B/E Alexa Fluor 488-A',
 u'B/C PE-TexasRed-A',
 u'B/B PerCP-Cy5-5-A',
 u'YG/A PE-Cy7-A',
 u'R/C APC-A',
 u'R/B Alexa Fluor 700-A',
 u'R/A APC-Cy7-A',
 u'V/C Pacific Blue-A',
 u'YG/E PE-A',
$PnN $PnB $PnG $PnE $PnR $PnV
Channel Number
1 FSC-A 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 244
2 FSC-H 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 244
3 FSC-W 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 244
4 SSC-A 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 276
5 SSC-H 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 276
6 SSC-W 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 276
7 B/E Alexa Fluor 488-A 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 469
8 B/C PE-TexasRed-A 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 450
9 B/B PerCP-Cy5-5-A 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 462
10 YG/A PE-Cy7-A 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 458
11 R/C APC-A 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 586
12 R/B Alexa Fluor 700-A 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 560
13 R/A APC-Cy7-A 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 618
14 V/C Pacific Blue-A 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 385
15 YG/E PE-A 32 1.0 [0, 0] 262144 443
16 Time 32 0.01 [0, 0] 262144 None
# get forward vs side scatter of first 10 cells
sample.data[['FSC-A', 'SSC-A']][:10]
0 53618.921875 42435.988281
1 100054.664062 33288.808594
2 60825.039062 35168.011719
3 58227.640625 37189.890625
4 67312.617188 39781.621094
5 92615.437500 73334.914062
6 51280.519531 33090.449219
7 43725.859375 36683.550781
8 62111.902344 22713.960938
9 84667.843750 33091.320312
# Get all channels in one table
# this would be the main table to work on from here
sample.data.drop("Time", axis=1).head(10)  # show only first 10 cells
FSC-A FSC-H FSC-W SSC-A SSC-H SSC-W B/E Alexa Fluor 488-A B/C PE-TexasRed-A B/B PerCP-Cy5-5-A YG/A PE-Cy7-A R/C APC-A R/B Alexa Fluor 700-A R/A APC-Cy7-A V/C Pacific Blue-A YG/E PE-A
0 53618.921875 46566.0 75462.132812 42435.988281 40018.0 69495.859375 66.989998 59.160000 36.540001 5453.760254 2175.400146 624.150024 329.960022 9.130000 156.400009
1 100054.664062 90369.0 72560.093750 33288.808594 32241.0 67665.867188 62.639999 215.759995 97.440002 2553.920166 2539.670166 579.619995 252.580002 14.940000 720.359985
2 60825.039062 53044.0 75149.492188 35168.011719 33952.0 67883.210938 90.480003 125.279999 28.710001 6724.280273 1590.670044 669.410034 292.000000 6.640000 291.640015
3 58227.640625 50084.0 76192.140625 37189.890625 35568.0 68524.421875 69.599998 334.950012 139.199997 2679.040039 1762.950073 458.440002 202.210007 9.960000 917.239990
4 67312.617188 57849.0 76257.140625 39781.621094 38333.0 68012.632812 77.430000 192.270004 100.919998 4035.120117 1524.970093 475.230011 239.440002 9.960000 608.119995
5 92615.437500 72473.0 83750.437500 73334.914062 66461.0 72314.242188 120.059998 2424.689941 2306.370117 253.919998 237.980011 241.630005 66.430000 34.029999 6612.040039
6 51280.519531 44760.0 75083.117188 33090.449219 31656.0 68505.679688 86.129997 57.420002 32.189999 2461.920166 1025.650024 365.000000 151.839996 43.989998 80.040001
7 43725.859375 38597.0 74244.570312 36683.550781 35153.0 68389.421875 153.990005 202.710007 163.559998 2104.040039 1400.140015 401.500000 234.330002 191.729996 734.160034
8 62111.902344 55068.0 73918.890625 22713.960938 21820.0 68221.000000 73.080002 46.110001 81.779999 4808.839844 1565.119995 646.049988 348.940002 12.450000 123.279999
9 84667.843750 75601.0 73395.750000 33091.320312 32645.0 66432.007812 31.320000 15.660000 13.050000 3248.520020 1015.430054 360.619995 141.620010 6.640000 75.440002
# Let's plot some things:

# plot with provided library wrappers
_ = sample.plot(['FSC-A', 'SSC-A'], bins=1000)

# we can obviously also plot with base matplotlib + seaborn
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab
import seaborn as sns
sns.jointplot(sample.data['FSC-A'], sample.data['SSC-A'],
              xlim=(0, 250000), ylim=(0, 250000),
<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x7f334e8f0b50>
# Now let's make a gate using the interactive interface
# sample.view_interactively()
from FlowCytometryTools import ThresholdGate, PolyGate

# Four threshold gates
gate1 = ThresholdGate(17500, 'FSC-A', region='above')
gate2 = ThresholdGate(60000, 'SSC-A', region='below')
gate3 = ThresholdGate(110000, 'FSC-A', region='below')
gate4 = ThresholdGate(10000, 'SSC-A', region='above')

# Similar thing with a polygon
# drawn interactively
gate5 = PolyGate(
    [(3.140e+04, 9.951e+04), (1.108e+04, 5.092e+04), (1.421e+04, 3.304e+04),
     (2.385e+04, 2.426e+04), (3.219e+04, 1.583e+04), (3.818e+04, 5.706e+03),
     (5.251e+04, 4.019e+03), (1.208e+05, 1.178e+04), (1.408e+05, 5.429e+04),
     (3.505e+04, 9.681e+04), (3.114e+04, 9.951e+04), (3.219e+04, 9.613e+04)],
    ('FSC-A', 'SSC-A'), region='in', name='gate4')
_ = sample.plot(['FSC-A', 'SSC-A'], bins=1000, gates=[gate1, gate2, gate3, gate4, gate5])
# Plot channels individually
_ = sample.plot('FSC-A', bins=1000)
# Log transform and plot again
_ = sample.transform('hlog', channels=['FSC-A']).plot('FSC-A', bins=1000)
# Log transform and plot different channel
_ = sample.transform('hlog', channels=['R/B Alexa Fluor 700-A']).plot('R/B Alexa Fluor 700-A', bins=1000)
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